Reuse, reduce, recycle. Happy “Eco” New Year 2023!

The beginning of the year is always a great opportunity to make new resolutions and strive for a better tomorrow. It is no different in the year 2023 which has just begun.
Many of us have a lot of plans to eat better and live healthier. The January days help us to start over and strive for a better version of ourselves. We also hope for changes toward a more ecological lifestyle.
There are undoubtedly many methods to make our existence more “eco”. Here are three ways that will not cost us much effort and will help us live in better harmony with the nature.
1. Reuse. Whatever we use in everyday life, let’s make sure we use it as long as we can. We realize that this contradicts the idea of consumption, which gives us a guarantee of growth. However, we are sure that our sociaty can reconcile the idea of consumption with the reasonable use of the purchased goods.
2. Recycle. After using it, if the purchased product or goods are no longer applicable for further use, let’s make sure that they end up in the correct bin or sorter. There is nothing worse than failure in this regard. Poor and incorrect disposal of waste is responsible for a large part of the emissions and carbon footprint.
3. Reduce. If you know that a product is not ecological or its consumption has a destructive impact on our lives or future generations, try to stop shopping. An example of such are disposable plastic products. For some reason, despite legislative changes and increasing customer awareness, many restaurants, bars, but also households still use synthetic disposables that pollute our rivers, seas, and soil.
So little is needed to change for the better. Let’s start it together.
Happy “Eco” New Year 2023!